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About AirlineSim

v6.10.12 (build 7053)

Copyright ©2002-2024 by simulogics GmbH, all rights reserved.


The Team

AirlineSim is a browser-based game project founded in 2002 by Martin Simons and a group of aviation enthusiasts. Since then it has evolved into a commercial project supported and run by simulogics GmbH. Nevertheless, development and operation of the game has never and will never be possible without the continuous support of volunteers.

At this point we would like to thank all of our supporters who have supported the core team for years in areas like community support, data research and many others and thereby helped to keep AirlineSim alive!

Aircraft sheer plans

The aircraft sheer plan graphics have been custom-made for AirlineSim by

The graphics must not be used for any purpose other than AirlineSim, commercial or non-commercial, without express written approval by the originator.